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Výhody skla Stratophonethermobel stratophone pdf

* Indicated values are based on Double glazing 4-15-4 (coating in #2 - with 90% Argon) Low-e coatings - iplus range 204 iplus Advanced 1. agc. THERMOBEL TG ENERGY 72/38 Zasklení s protisluneční funkcí - Vysoká úroveň protisluneční ochrany - Dostatek přirozeného světla v interiéru - Vhodné pro velké otvorové výplně - Západní a jihozápadní strana domu. x_1502_EN. Its superb light transmission maximises the amount of natural. We offer the largest portfolio of high-end glazing solutions, ranging from insulating and laminated glass to coated, decorative, fire-resistant and active glass solutions. Anti-Fog is a coating specifically developed to be used on the outer pane of the glazing unit to prevent condensation issues. pdf. 2 #3 5 + 200 + 4-16-I33. The logical choice was Cradle to Cradle Certified Bronze Thermobel Energy 72/38, since it has all these properties, featuring excellent light transmission (72%) and solar factor (38%) ratings. Matelac T is a painted glass with a matt finish which, just like its glossy counterpart Lacobel T, offers the unique benefit that it can be cut and heat-treated directly by the processor, streamlining the production process and shortening delivery times. LAMINATED_WARRANTY44757Warranty Stratobel Stratophone Oct 2015 - ENG. AGC Glass Europe brands: ‐ Thermobel Stratobel ‐ Thermobel Stratophone Thermobel Stopsol. K)) combined with a high level of light transmission and neutral aesthetics. We used to have to choose the glass from a catalogue with a limited range of options, instead of seeing the custom glass on the actual building. Spend a day at our lab and together we will design your custom coated glass. Prozkoumat MyColour by Lacobel/Matelac. Stratophone 22. AGC Glass Europe è il primo produttore di vetro ad avere. THERMOBEL TG STRATOPHONE TRIPLE GLAZING WITH ACOUSTIC LAMINATED GLASS Transmission loss function of sound frequencies (1)Acoustics Indexes Norms Total Thickness Weight 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz Rw (C;Ctr) Rw Rw+C Rw+Ctr Impact / Break-in dB dB EN 12600 EN 356Stakla Lamistal Stratobel proizvodi testiraju prema: > standard EN 12600, razina 2B2, koji odgovaraju prevenciji smanjenja i ozljede uslijed slučajnog utjecaja, dok je razina 1B1 sprečava da osobe padnu kroz staklo u slučaju slučajnog [email protected]. Designed to provide a high level of security to protect people and goods, this new range of protection withstands physical assaults from theft, attacks, firearms and explosions. iplus 1. Stratophone # Thermobel # Joep Roemgens, Head of Engineering - Schüco Belgium. Thermobel TG Datasheet Brochure TB_TG_201644616Thermobel Triple Glazing-FR. Laminated security and safety glazing THERMOBEL STRATOBEL For large bay windows and rooftop glazing, Thermobel insulating glazing incorporates a laminated glass in order to prevent the risk of injury or fall. Planibel Linea Azzurra An exclusive thick glass for use. 8 221 2. Insulating glazing units consist of an assembly featuring two or three sheets of glass separated by a space filled with dry air or gas. Planibel Easy is a special coating that destroys organic dirt, leaving windows clean. 2 6 / 60 mm air / 44. THERMOBEL TG LS. Stratobel and Stratophone are laminated safety glass following EN 12543-2. 1. THE AGC GROUP 1Introduction 10 2 Contacts 15 3 Caring about the environment 20 II. STRATOPHONE, THERMOBEL 9000625 EN - 05/18 THERMOBEL TG STRATOBEL TRIPLE GLAZING WITH LAMINATED GLASS Transmission loss function of sound frequencies (1)Acoustics Indexes Norms TotalStratophone # Thermobel # Vittorio Livi, Founder of FIAM Italia Group - FIAM. Meer informatie. THE AGC GROUP 1Introduction 10 2 Contacts 15 3 Caring about the environment 20 II. Based in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), AGC Glass Europe produces, processes and markets flat glass for the construction sector (external glazing and interior decoration), the automotive industry and solar power applications. has its level of acoustic insulation Traditional insulating glazing, for basic acoustic performance Insulating glazing comprising 2 sheets of glass of different thicknesses, for improved acoustic performance AGC Fenestra a. We studied all the details and worked closely with AGC on these glass solutions to ensure that all types of glazing used were perfectly harmonised to create a pleasing overall look. or. Díky dobře vyvážené kombinaci světelné prostupnosti a solárního faktoru je vysoce ceněno pro svou jedinečnou estetiku a je dokonalým produktem pro budovy v horkém podnebí. The perfect product range should be completely invisible and fully compatible with the paint or safety film applied to the back of the glass or mirror. x_1502_EN. x_1502_EN. Start your 7-day free trial to receive access to high fidelity premium pronunciations. 0T 208 Oltreluce 344 iplus LS & iplus LST 210 iplus EnergyN. Tato přední firma působící v oblasti barev, povlaků a chemikálií si při realizaci svých nových kancelářských prostor přála zdůraznit udržitelný přístup a snahu o snižování dopadů na životní prostředí. Learn more. But in recent decades, it has become so much more. 1: ST1: Retenice: 8: 6000: 3210: 12: 4816. Představte si, že byste si mohli přizpůsobit projekt na míru nebo si vytvořit vizuální identitu vaší značky! Se službou My Color by Stratobel mohou klienti vytvářet vlastní barvy přizpůsobené konkrétním požadavkům každého projektu. This design keeps heat in your home,. 1 st (2× Planibel Clearlite) 1B1 NPD 6 15 600 × 321 90 15 35 (-1 ; -3)Prozkoumat Matelac T. pdf. It offered the best of glazing combined to LED technology, transforming the windows of the lounge area into a giant screen on games night. Balancing appearance and visual comfort, this product combines low external reflection level with a wide range of colours. The carbon footprint of every renovation and new build project has become a central concern for architects and investors. Clearlite. Průmyslové matování velkých tabulí skla kyselinou prováděné AGC podléhá přísné kontrole kvality, která zajišťuje homogenitu a stabilitu povrchu. Key Features. In an average home, one quarter of the heat is lost through the walls, and as much as 40% through the windows. The company, a leader in the field of paint, coatings and chemical products, wanted to focus on sustainability and reduce the impact on the environment when building its new offices and so chose to coat its façade with Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Bronze Thermobel glass from AGC. pdf. ? Intenzita hluku se měří v decibelech (dB), které udávají, zda je hluk slabý nebo silný. pdf. Glass: building the foundation for future generations Hospitals, research facilities, educational institutions, healthcare buildings and schools are all essential to the well-being of the world’s population. Why is float glass the glass of choice for applications in the construction, decoration, automotive and high-tech sectors? One word: versatility! Float glass can be clear, extra clear or coloured. AGC’s basic float glass is called Planibel. pdf. Protihlukovou ochranu s hodnotou 10 dB (to znamená, že původní hluk je díky zasklení snížen o 10 dB) můžete získat tak, že místo standardního skla Thermobel použijete sklo s protihlukovou THERMOBEL STRATOPHONE Víte, že. Sklo s protisluneční ochranou je ideální řešení zaručující správnou kombinaci ochrany proti slunečním paprskům a tepelné izolace. Read the full testimonial. pdf. Almost anything is possible with glass, which can be enhanced with numerous functions and aesthetic qualities: safety, colours, strength and more – giving both public and private. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Thermobel One brand name for all AGC insulating double or triple glazing unitsochranou Thermobel Stratophone. Door gebruik te maken van het assortiment coatings van AGC levert Thermobel het hele jaar door een optimaal thermisch comfort in. Stratophone Stratophone laminated glass enables almost all AGC glass products to be combined with special acoustic PVB interlayers. Stratobel Colour nabízí škálu osmi klasických barev inspirovaných přírodou v kombinaci s vlastnostmi a specifikacemi vrstvených bezpečnostních skel Stratobel a Stratophone. Thermobel Comfort je izolační zasklení, které je vhodné především pro. Vrstvene Bezpecnostni Protihlukove Sklo. YourGlass Pocket Brochure yg_pocket_2014_en18572. 5 Laminated safety glass 246 (Thermobel) Stratobel Security 250. Thermobel stal referencí v oblasti izolačního zasklení. Download or send the information you need to your email address. Thermobel Top Datasheet. 2% Premium. Stiebel Eltron was founded by Dr. Protihlukové sklo lze kombinovat s ostatními skly. * Indicated values are based on Double glazing 4-15-4 (coating in #2 - with 90% Argon)Společnost AGC Glass Europe představuje novou škálu skel s nízkou uhlíkovou stopou. Thermobel TG Datasheet Brochure TB_TG_201644616Thermobel Triple Glazing-FR. Izolační dvojsklo nebo trojsklo. ? Intenzita hluku se měří v decibelech (dB), které udávají, zda je hluk slabý nebo silný. Read the full testimonial. pdf. 0 W/(m2 K. Je vysoce odolný proti poškrábání a tepelným. Stratobel/Stratophone 22X Datasheet Katalog Datasheet StratobelStratophone_22. Uvedené hodnoty jsou založeny na Izolační dvojsklo 6-16-4 (povlak #2 - s 90% Argonem)Thermobel je naše certifikovaná a vysoce ceněná značka izolačního zasklení, které lze vyrobit za použití různých sklářských výrobků. Stratobel/Stratophone 22X Datasheet Brochure Datasheet StratobelStratophone_22. Sklo Stratophone poskytuje vynikající protihlukovou izolaci. pdf. Vrstvené bezpečnostní sklo Stratophone umožňuje kombinovat téměř všechna skla AGC se speciálními PVB mezivrstvami. Stratobel® Thermobel® Stratophone® Markýzy a přístřešky Markýzy a přístřešky představují designový fasádní prvek, který zvýrazňuje prostor kolem domu, ale především chrání před nepřízní počasí a přitom nebrání prostupu denního světla. Thermobel ACOUSTIC GLASSPERFORMANCES THERMOBEL TG TRIPLE GLAZING GLASS PARTITION i(2)MADE OUT OF 2 SINGLE GLASS SHEETS (PLANIBEL. x_1502_EN. Using AGC’s virtual prototyping software, we can simulate the project and produce a real sample of your custom product. 6 st (2× Planibel Clearlite) 1B1 P5A 10 22 600 × 321 89 21 38 (-1 ; -3) нПД = не са предоставени данни. 3Solar control 223 Planibel Coloured 225 Stopsol 226 Sunergy 231 Stopray & ipasol 234 2. 4 Skla s protihlukovou izolací 238 Stratophone 240 Thermobel, Thermobel Stratobel a Thermobel Stratophone 243 2. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. 4 Satin-finish glass 329 Matelux 331 2. Noise reduction performance is measured by three different values: Rw, C and Ctr, as defined in standard EN 12758, and measured in decibels (dB) in compliance with standard EN ISO 10140. Jumbo Tailor Made Size. 3Solar control 223 Planibel Coloured 225 Stopsol 226 Sunergy 231 Stopray & ipasol 234 2. In response to this issue, AGC developed Planibel Easy, featuring a special coating activated by UV light that destroys organic deposits, which are. At first glance, this glass looks like an ordinary pane of glass, but it is far from ordinary. pdf), Text File (. This design keeps heat in your home,. pdf. 4 st (2x Planibel Clearlite) 1B1 P3A-P4A 10 22 600 x 321 89 19 37 (-0 ; -3). Stratophone, ipasafe, ipaphon) Acid-etched glass (Matelux) All these EPDs conform to standards ISO 14025, 14040/14044 and EN. 0. GlamattInsulating glass - Thermobel range 218 Thermobel Advanced 0. Stratophone # Structura # Sunergy # Tailor-Made Sizes # Thermobel # Franky Symoens, Managing Director - Polypane Glasindustrie. ALL ABOUT GLASS 1 Introduction 26AGC Glass Europe is constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of its production processes to ensure a sustainable future. Whether part of the facade structure or integrated into a curtain wall – a thin facade that hangs on the exterior of a building – glass has become an ideal material for building envelopes since it offers numerous benefits. Thermobel is our certified, highly prized brand for insulating glazing that can be made from many different glass products. Produkt lze použít v izolačních dvojsklech nebo trojsklech. Dnes posouvá svůj udržitelný přístup ještě o krok dál a informuje o nové škále skel s výrazně sníženou. AGC is an expert in extra-thin thicknesses for high-tech applications. Kombinuje sklo vynikajících kvalit s technologií LED a proměňuje okna na obří. Lesklý povrch skla Lacobel lze s úspěchem kombinovat s jeho matným protějškem, sklem Matelac. LAMINATED_WARRANTY44757Warranty Stratobel Stratophone Oct 2015 - ENG. Frame glass. Sharing our passion for glass with you. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. THERMOBEL STRATOBEL SECURITY BULLET (DOUBLE GLAZING) RESISTANCE. Considering the results it brings, I’m a bit surprised it’s not. 0 on Clearlite #3 - with 90% Argon) More information. Spring, summer, autumn and winter – you can feel comfortable whatever the season with your RTF-TC room temperature controller. These include Stratobel©, Stratophone© and Thermobel© Stratophone - more information on AGC Acoustic Insulation products. Under its Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, the Group has now announced that by the end of 2022 it will produce a float glass range featuring a significantly reduced carbon footprint of less than 7 kg of CO2 per m2. Contact Steve Beck. AGC Thermobel TG + laminated name (Stratobel/Stratophone) + coating name Note that AGC Interpane commercialises its products under different brand names. This energy-generating structure houses a wide variety of rooms catering to a diverse range teaching methods and study styles. Společnost AGC Glass Europe se zavázala přispívat k udržitelnému světu vývojem výrobků, které podporují udržitelný rozvoj, a také snižováním dopadu svých výrobních procesů na životní prostředí. Stratophone # Structura # Sunergy # Tailor-Made Sizes # Thermobel # Gilles Marty, Director - INCA Architectes. Explore Thermobel # Explore other glass applications. * Indicated values are based on. Stratophone # Structura # Sunergy # Tailor-Made Sizes # Thermobel # Joep Roemgens, Head of Engineering - Schüco Belgium. Lt. Thermobel Stopray Versterkt thermisch isolerende dubbele beglazingen met magnetroncoating 225 THERMOBEL BELGIE ANtVErpY, tHErMOBEL tOp pokud chcete… pak se podívejte na. Stratobel/Stratophone 22X Datasheet Brochure Datasheet StratobelStratophone_22. Stratophone # Structura # Tailor-Made Sizes # Thermobel # Sean Haynes, Managing Director - Fire Glass UK. 5 Vrstvená bezpečnostní skla 246 Stratobel 248 (Thermobel) Stratobel Security 250 Stratophone 44. The 191m (44-storey) Generali Tower is the second tallest skyscraper in the CityLife complex, a redevelopment area covering 366,000 m² that was formerly occupied by Milan’s fairground and exhibition facility. Thanks to the help of experts, I learned that AGC Stratophone glazing provides sound insulation quality far superior. Thanks to its symmetrical and linear architecture, it has become a symbol of Hamburg's process of urban adaptation and transformation, merging past, present and future. GlamattInsulating glass - Thermobel range 218 Thermobel Advanced 0. 4 st (2× Planibel Clearlite) 1B1 P3A-P4A 10 22 600 × 321 89 19 37 (-0 ; -3). Sklo Glassiled Motion společnosti AGC je jedním z těch výjimečných řešení, která nás zaujala v souvislosti s fotbalovým stadionem Bosuil v Antverpách. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Translucent PVB interlayers yield custom coloured products, but you can take it a step further by using other materials – decorative elements, steel mesh,. Stratophone # Thermobel # Benoit Muylkens, Professor - University of Namur (Belgium) Planibel Easy glass produced by AGC induces a faster delay of the virus than other materials such as plastic or untreated glass. Tepelně izolační sklo. pdf. Prunet, private - home owner. AGC Catalogus, part 1 Glass 2 EXTERIOR GLASS 3. Stratophone # Thermobel # Paul Gheysens, CEO - Ghelamco group. YourGlass Pocket Katalog yg_pocket_2014. ALL ABOUT GLASS 1 Introduction 26Glass is the ideal material for protecting a framed painting since it is scratch-resistant and easy to clean. 8 221 2. Working in close collaboration with architects and engineers is a great opportunity and finding the right solutions for their specific needs is very satisfying. I would definitely recommend Clearsight anti-reflective glass. Balustrades. Markýzy a přístřešky představují designový fasádní prvek, který zvýrazňuje prostor kolem domu, ale především chrání před nepřízní počasí a přitom nebrání prostupu denního světla. These include Stratobel©, Stratophone© and Thermobel© Stratophone - more information on AGC Acoustic Insulation products. pdf. (2) These sound reduction indexes correspond to glazings which are 1,23 by 1,48m according to EN ISO 10140-3 and are tested in laboratory conditions. Thermobel TG Datasheet Brochure TB_TG_201644616Thermobel Triple Glazing-FR. pdf. Using the most appropriate bonding solution is critically important when installing painted glass and mirrors in any interior. THERMOBEL STRATOPHONE Víte, že. Thermobel Top Datasheet. GlamattInsulating glass - Thermobel range 218 Thermobel Advanced 0. Výzvy spojené s kreativními projekty přiměly sklářský průmysl překonat omezení tradičních výrobních procesů a zamyslet se nad možnostmi přesahujícími rámec klasických rozměrů plaveného skla. x_1502_EN. Spend a day at our lab and together we will design your custom coated glass. Key Features. 3 trucks for Laminated/ Decorative/Coatings. They are available upon request. Floors, stairs and roofs. 81 KG: Loose: No: 3087468: Stratophone 44. Did you know that a lot of the heat in your house is wasted? In an average home, one quarter of the heat is lost through the walls, and as much as 40% through the windows. pdf. Stratobel and Stratophone AGC Glass Europe Certification Number 4379 Effective Date 28 April 2020 Expiration Date 04 May 2022 The following products are included within the scope of certificate 4379: Every combination of at least 2 glass panes from AGC Interpane, coated or not and a combination of one or several layers of PVB. Thermobel Pyrobel Gelaagde, brandwerende dubbele beglazing 389. Facade Glazing Cleaning and Maintenance Guide Technical Doc Cleaning and Maintenance Guide - Facade Glazing - EN. * Indicated values are based on Simple glazing 6 mm. 2. . L. Level of. pdf. What’s New. Matelux je pro svoji homogenní zrnitost. pdf. * Indicated values are based on. Glass adds polish and style – whether frosted or clear, in warm tints or cool surfaces. THE AGC GROUP 1Introduction 10 2 Contacts 15 3 Caring about the environment 20 II. Pocket_Stratophone_0823_EN. STRATOPHONE, THERMOBEL 9000625 EN - 06/15 THERMOBEL TG STRATOBEL TRIPLE GLAZING WITH LAMINATED GLASS Transmission loss function of sound frequencies (1)Acoustics Indexes Norms Total 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz Rw (C;Ctr) Rw Rw+C Rw+Ctr Impact / Break-in Thickness Weight dB dB EN 12600 / EN 356 mm kg/m² iplus Product range. Dosáhnete tak snížení hluku na polovinu! Protihlukové sklo je vhodné pro interiérové i exteriérové aplikace, jako jednoduché sklo, dvojsklo a trojsklo. Veškeré kvalitativní standardy skel Lacobel nebo Matelac samozřejmě zůstávají zachovány. 5 Patterned glass 337 Low-e coatings – iplus range 204 Imagin 338 iplus Top 1. . Thermobel TG Datasheet Brochure TB_TG_201644616Thermobel Triple Glazing-FR. pdf. 4 DURABILITY OF STRATOBEL AND STRATOPHONE. Developed for the main purpose of keeping people safe, Stratobel is our extended range of laminated glass that looks identical to normal glass. Under its Roadmap to Carbon Neutrality, the Group has now announced that by the end of 2022 it will produce a float glass range featuring a significantly reduced carbon footprint of less than 7 kg of CO2 per m2. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Stratophone laminated glass enables almost all AGC glass products to be combined with special acoustic PVB interlayers. Thermobel TG Datasheet. Vyjadřuje se koeficientem prostupu tepla zasklením (U g): tepelně izolační Double glazing unit AGC Glass Europe (2019) Safety double glazing units (Thermobel Stratobel, Thermobel Stratophone, ipasafe IGU, ipaphon IGU) Europe Insulation North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (2018) Mineral wood board (industry average) North America GlamattInsulating glass - Thermobel range 218 Thermobel Advanced 0. The glass can be coated, heat-treated and laminated. pdf. THERMOBEL STRATOBEL SECURITY BULLET (GEAM DUBLU IZOLATOR) rezistenta la atac armat Norme GrosimeTotala Greutate Proprietati Proprietati energetice = testat pe arma Kalashnikovsection Thermobel Scena THERMOBEL SCENA AGC GLASS EUROPE AGC Glass Europe - T+32 2 409 30 00 - info. The results are so much bigger and better than I imagined. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Learn more. Stratobel/Stratophone 22X Datasheet Brochure Datasheet StratobelStratophone_22. Objevte více. Read the full testimonial. pdf), Text File (. Stratobel laminated glass provides protection from injuries, falls, break-ins and vandalism. This. The acoustic glass of AGC, Stratophone and assembled in units of Thermobel Phonibel, Thermobel Phonibel S and Thermobel Phonibel ST, effectively reduce the noise from the outside world, enhancing the acoustic comfort for the building occupants (sound reduction of 51dB possible for Thermobel Phonibel). Stratobel a Stratophone jsou skla budoucnosti Vrstvené bezpečnostní sklo Stratobel zajišťuje ochranu proti poranění, pádům, vloupání a projevům vandalismu. K)) combined with a high level of light transmission and neutral aesthetics. Protection is provided by a transparent polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer, a plastic material placed between two or more sheets of glass. Did you know that a lot of the heat in your house is wasted? In an average home, one quarter of the heat is lost through the walls, and as much as 40% through the windows. Prozkoumat Luxclear. AGC’s Glassiled Motion is one of those exceptional solutions that caught our attention for the Antwerp Bosuil Football stadium. Varying thicknesses of glass and configurations (number of PVB interlayers) determine the level. Naše skla mohou být tepelně. 5 Laminated safety glass 246 Stratobel 248 (Thermobel) Stratobel. It is a real product representing a major market share, especially for residential safety market. Martin Najman Technical Advisory Servis Central Europe OBSAH PREZENTACE Izolační sklo – funkce, distanční rámečky, kondenzace. Thermobel Artlite Thermisch versterkte dubbele beglazing met decoratief zeefdrukpatroon 265. Thermobel is our certified, highly prized brand for insulating glazing that can be made from many different glass products. V duchcovské Sportovní základní škole A. Anti-Fog Produktová škála. Cradle to Cradle Certified TM certification means that the combination of glass and a PVB interlayer has been tested and approved for Cradle to Cradle Certified TM. The inaccessible parts end up dirty, marring the beauty of the glass. Luxclear je čiré sklo s neviditelným magnetronovým povlakem (na jedné straně) zvlášť navržené pro sprchové aplikace. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. pdf. Planibel Stratobel Stratophone Thermobel Thermobel Phonibel Thermobel Phonibel Thermobel Phonibel S (Thermobel Phonibel GH) Thermobel Phonibel ST Range of acoustical glass of AGC 60. pdf. Full Specificationsochranou Thermobel Stratophone. Matelac T je lakované sklo s matným povrchem, které stejně jako jeho lesklý protějšek Lacobel T, nabízí jedinečnou výhodu v tom, že je lze řezat a tepelně opracovávat přímo u zpracovatele, což zjednodušuje výrobní proces a zkracuje dodací lhůty. Jak je to možné? Speciální akustická PVB mezivrstva funguje jako protihluková bariéra, která brání tomu, aby se hluk z venkovního prostředí dostal oknem do klidné. No performance is declared for these aspects. ALL ABOUT GLASS 1 Introduction 26Thermobel Stopsol. K)) combined with a high level of light transmission and neutral aesthetics. Thermobel Blackpearl Gekleurd glas met harde coating voor borstweringen in dubbele beglazing 278. Strat. Balancing appearance and visual comfort, this product combines low external reflection level with a wide range of colours. Protihlukové sklo lze kombinovat s ostatními skly. The AGC Pyrobel range is essential to what we offer. Thermobel je značka izolačního zasklení AGC. Stratobel/Stratophone 22X Datasheet Brochure Datasheet StratobelStratophone_22. Explorer Stratophone. Innovative glass solutions used to glaze Europe's highest building. If you’re looking to take Stratobel and Stratophone acoustic and safety laminated glass to the next level, now you can! Adding special interlayers to the assembly gives designers unlimited creative options. AGC’s Glassiled Motion is one of those exceptional solutions that caught our attention for the Antwerp Bosuil Football stadium. 25 = total thickness of DV. 0 W/ (m². ochranou Thermobel Stratophone. 3Solar control 223 Planibel Coloured 225 Stopsol 226 Sunergy 231 Stopray & ipasol 234 2. How? The special acoustic. We offer multiple solutions for insulating your home as effectively as possible against noise pollution depending on its current exposure to noise and on the level of acoustic insulation you require. All AGC insulating glazings can be used in warm, hot. LAMINATED_WARRANTY44757Warranty Stratobel Stratophone Oct 2015 - ENG. Varying thicknesses of glass and configurations (number of PVB interlayers) determine the level. txt) or read online for free. glass partition made out of 2 single glass sheets (planibel and/or stratobel-stratophone) (2) 125 hz 6 / 60 mm air / 6 6 / 60 mm air / 44. Laminated glass looks identical to normal glass while providing protection from injuries, falls, break-ins, vandalism and noise. Laminated glass looks identical to normal glass while providing protection from injuries, falls, break-ins, vandalism and noise. Zasklení s protisluneční funkcí - Vysoká úroveň protisluneční ochrany - Dostatek přirozeného světla v interiéru - Vhodné pro velké otvorové výplně - Západní a jihozápadní strana domu. Not only do mirrors reflect our image and mood, they are also a valuable element in modern architecture, playing with light and reflection. We offer multiple solutions for insulating your home as effectively as possible against noise pollution depending on its current exposure to noise and on the level of acoustic insulation you require. pdf. pdf. (2) These sound reduction indexes correspond to glazings which are 1,23 by 1,48m according to EN ISO 10140-3 and are tested in laboratory conditions. Windows. pdf. Thermobel TG Datasheet. Thermobel Stratophone Noise affects us all every day: road, train and air traffic, factories, noisy conversations, concerts and more. Clever Boards byly vybrány jako. Find your current window’s sound reduction by measuring the difference in noise level between an open and closed window. The double silver coating combines a pleasant neutral appearance, 70% light transmission, low reflection level and 37% solar protection. Products with such properties belong to Thermobel Stratobel/Stratophone or Thermobel Security ranges, not covered by this EPD. Výrobek lze používat jak v chlazeném, tak i tepelně opracovaném provedení. Security Bullet 2207-1-B Therm. 2 structure. 0 W/ (m². This. Protisluneční povlaky filtrují sluneční světlo a zamezují tak vzniku nadměrné teploty uvnitř budovy, nebrání však průniku dostatečného denního světla do interiéru. Nová kolekce barevných skel Matelac byla vyvinuta ve spolupráci s externími odborníky na dekorativní skla z AGC Deco Academy, našeho prvního evropského workshopu. Thermobel Top Datasheet. This EPD also covers other IGU structure through the validity range. LAMINATED_WARRANTY44757Warranty Stratobel Stratophone Oct 2015 - ENG. 5 Laminated safety glass 246 Stratobel 248 (Thermobel) Stratobel Security 250 Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. reduce the initial noise level by 10 dB thanks to the glazing) by switching from standard Thermobel glazing to Thermobel Stratophone acoustic glazing. 8 221 2. Explore Stratophone # Thermobel One brand name for all AGC insulating double or triple glazing units. x_1502_EN. Stratobel Security Explosion je vrstvené bezpečnostní sklo s vynikajícími parametry, které je určené pro ochranu proti následkům výbuchu, ať již se jedná o výbuchový tlak nebo úlomky skla. txt) or read online for free. 4 Acoustic glass 238 Stratophone 240 Thermobel, Thermobel Stratobel & 243 Thermobel Stratophone 2. x_1502_EN. 1T 206 Imagin wired glass 342 iplus Advanced 1. Glass is often associated with facades and transparency but with the advent of decorative glass it now has a place anywhere in the home. It offered the best of glazing combined to LED technology, transforming the windows of the lounge area into a giant screen on games night. 4 Acoustic glass 238 Stratophone 240 Thermobel, Thermobel Stratobel & 243 Thermobel Stratophone 2. Laminated security and safety glazing THERMOBEL STRATOBEL For large bay windows and rooftop glazing, Thermobel insulating glazing incorporates a laminated glass in. 87 KG:. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. x_1502_EN. ENERGY (ENE) AIM AGC PRODUCTS. Protection is provided by a transparent polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer, a plastic material placed between two or more sheets of glass. *The EPDs for Stratobel and Stratophone are common to the laminated glass industry. x_1502_EN. Thermobel Technical Data Sheet Technical Doc thermobel-tds. Stratophone Stratophone laminated glass enables almost all AGC glass products to be combined with special acoustic PVB interlayers. Anti-Fog. Infobip - Zagreb. s. Spandrels. SW / 9001010 EN - 02/2019 THERMOBEL SCENA Ultimate transparency, exclusive. Low-Carbon Glass is the latest innovation in our glass range, boasting a significantly reduced carbon footprint. 2 iplus 1. pdf. Stratophone 33. The new corporate headquarters of Puig – Torre Puig - are located in Plaza Europe, Barcelona’s new commercial and business centre. Thermobel TG Datasheet Brochure TB_TG_201644616Thermobel Triple Glazing-FR. 6 st (2x Planibel Clearlite) 1B1 P5A 10 22 600 x 321 89 21 38 (-1 ; -3) NPD = No Performance Determined. Thermobel is our certified, highly prized brand for insulating glazing that can be made from many different glass products. Thermobel TG Datasheet. Thermobel Stopsol. Download or send the information you need to your email address. Studies and testimonials show the benefits of having natural light in buildings, including lower levels of stress, greater productivity and enhanced wellbeing of building occupants. Stratobel Strong Product range. 2 52 67 51 18 0,7 1B1 / P2A 42 Řešení nabízející maximální tepelnou izolaci, bezpečnost a protihlukovou izolaci Thermobel Stratophone Comfort Planibel Pure Comfort 10If you’re looking to take Stratobel and Stratophone acoustic and safety laminated glass to the next level, now you can! Adding special interlayers to the assembly gives designers unlimited creative options. * Indicated values are based on Double glazing: 6-15-4 ( Stopsol Classic Clear #1 & iplus Advanced 1. The higher the acoustic insulation rating of the glass, the greater the comfort for occupants – which in turn has a positive impact on health and well-being. Products with such properties belong to Thermobel Stratobel/Stratophone or Thermobel Security ranges, not covered by this EPD. pdf. . AGCULTURE, powered by AGC, specialises in the production of advanced glass solutions for the next generation of greenhouses. AGC Interpane naming is built as: AGC Interpane + laminated name (ipasafe/ipaphon) + “TGU” Next to the commercial name, the structure of the IGU is also provided to specify the exact product. When the Coating on. x_1502_EN. Strat. iplus 1. Sklo Planibel Easy vyrobené společností AGC vede k rychlejšímu rozpadu viru než jiné materiály, jako je. Explore Stratophone # Thermobel One brand name for all AGC insulating double or triple glazing units. LAMINATED_WARRANTY44757Warranty Stratobel Stratophone Oct 2015 - ENG. This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. Thermobel and iplus/ipasol Insulating Glazing range, even for the coldest regions. Explore Stratophone # Thermobel One brand name for all AGC insulating double or triple glazing units. Díky vysoce kvalitnímu saténovému povrchu dosahuje Matelux křehké rovnováhy mezi propouštěním světla a ochranou vašeho soukromí. 4 Acoustic glass 238 Stratophone 240 Thermobel, Thermobel Stratobel & 243 Thermobel Stratophone 2. Created Date:GlamattInsulating glass - Thermobel range 218 Thermobel Advanced 0. To address these concerns, AGC has further pushed the boundaries of its commitment to sustainable manufacturing by introducing the option of producing glass in custom sizes. Složení skel Thermobel lze obohatit o funkce, které budou splňovat další požadavky, ať už se jedná o. Level of insulation (dB) 50. It was designed by the architect Rafael Moneo and has a surface area of more than 23,000 m². No performance is declared for these aspects. At the summit, enjoy a panoramic view over one of the most beautiful mountain landscapes on the planet. 3Solar control 223 Planibel Coloured 225 Stopsol 226 Sunergy 231 Stopray & ipasol 234 2. Designing these structures requires a delicate balance of technical and aesthetic requirements: stringent hygiene, noise reduction, relaxing design and. com AGC Glass Europe has representatives worldwide See for further addresses. They are available upon request. 4 Acoustic glass 238 Stratophone 240 Thermobel, Thermobel Stratobel & 243 Thermobel Stratophone 2.